
What Are Brands, Anyway?

Brands are promises that consumers believe in. Chapter 2 provides a complete definition of brands and branding, but if you remember nothing more than this three-word description — brands are promises — you’re well on your way to branding success.

As you venture into the world of branding, keep these truths in mind:

  • You establish your brand by building trust in a one-of-a-kind promise about who you are, what you stand for, and what unique and meaningful benefits you deliver.
  • You build your brand by living up to your promise every single time people come into contact with your name, your message, or your business. It makes no difference whether that contact comes through advertising, publicity, word of mouth, the buying experience, customer service, billings, returns, or ongoing communication.
  • You strengthen your brand by constantly reinforcing your brand promise. If encounters with your brand are inconsistent or not in line with what people expected they could count on, you essentially break your promise, breaking your brand and risking your reputation and business as a result.

Building brands takes focus, passion, persistence, and diligence. Plus brand building requires effort and money. The payoff, and it’s a big one, is that strong brands build business and equity for their owners. The following sections shed light on what brands do and why they’re such a big deal.

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